Original Post
The Full Tourney Room
Okay, this is getting annoying. Every single time i enter a GMtourney not long after i join i am disconnected. I know its not my connection because i am always connected. I try to join back in but when i look the server is full. (24/24)
Please answer this ASAP. (These are global rooms, not 500/750/1000 TC tourneys.)
Last edited by inferno56789; Mar 10, 2014 at 01:22 AM.
It could be your game client, what version are you using? Also if you have a lot of things open like internet windows, skype, steam, stuff like that you are more prone to pinging or disconnecting.

Twilight Moderated Message:
Instead of posting and deleting your post and then posting again, try using the little edit button on the bottom right next to "quote" and the other two. It keeps the place a little cleaner for us mods. Cheers. c:
Last edited by Foxy; Mar 10, 2014 at 01:53 AM.
When someone uses /muteall, the game is kind of buggy. And hampa is updating the server hardwAre. I hope it answers your question.
Last edited by Link; Mar 11, 2014 at 10:03 PM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.