Original Post
<b>[S] My deactivated items</b>
Selling my deactivated inventory.
Items are:
-Hunter Force...................................(bid) 24000Tc
-Marine Force...................................1500Tc
-Gaia Relax.......................................1215Tc
-Marine Blood...................................1000Tc
-Marine Primary Gradient...................500Tc
-Juryo Secondary Gradient................1050Tc
my bad got confused there hmm one sec ima check something
ok got it ill take it i just checked what it looks like and i like it :P and yea 500 tc :P

how does this work?
(first trade)
Last edited by chickenwololo; Apr 1, 2011 at 05:45 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
To Hardy512:
I think I posted before that I'm not interested in objects (that includes textures) and that I only wanted TC

To chickenwololo:
I'll send you by safetrade. Just to be sure, is it Marine Primary Gradient what you want per 500Tc?
ok awesome and yes that is what i want
waiting for the trade thingy.....
Last edited by chickenwololo; Apr 1, 2011 at 06:25 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ok safetrade started with chickenwololo, you'll recieve a message about it.

Items left:
-Hunter Force...................................(bid) 24000Tc

-Marine Force...................................1500Tc

-Gaia Relax.......................................1215Tc

-Marine Blood...................................1000Tc

-Marine Primary Gradient...................SOLD OUT

-Juryo Secondary Gradient................1050Tc