Original Post
3d Items addition.
I want wear 4 3d items, the blindfold + punkspikes + portable cassette.
Can I?

How 3d Items work?
I know it's impossible to wear the officier cap + eyepatch but why?
Only because it's on the same bodypart?

Ops not the good thread sorry.

Someone can move me to rapid thread?
Ferras maybe? :3
Last edited by Astral; May 28, 2015 at 09:37 AM. Reason: wrong thread
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Originally Posted by kradoxtb View Post
talk with thepirateking, he knows about that stuff

no i don't

You can only wear one 3D obj. per body part, meaning yes you can wear "the blindfold + punkspikes + portable cassette."
And yes, "officier cap + eyepatch" is impossible atm.

I don't think this will change, and it seems that they can't put objs. on joints either
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Ok I got it, thank you guys
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!