Original Post
VULPvibe records.
Heya i thought i would post VULPvibe records to see what people think of there music. there 2 most recent albums where by Nega-Ren. i am not sure what you would class the genre. but pleas give opinions i personaly like "Stark Raving Mad" and "And Then I Killed A House DJ" and from there other site (Lapfox) "What You Do" sorry if this thread was a bit brief but this is my 2nd post in the music section and i am not 100% sure what i could say D:
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
i hope a admin doesnt mind if i double post as a bump? if you do mind go ahead and remove the thread i was following the no double within 48 hours rule (i think that was it? but its been 7 days sooo..)
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]