Original Post
PossessedxLemon's Inventory Sale!
PossessedxLemon's Inventory Sale!

Hey everybody, I've been holding onto this stuff for a while and think it's about time to get rid of it. So, here is what's on sale, this will be in form of an auction, each item starting at the price mentioned, which is the store price. There may be duplicates of some items, and I'll tell you when an item has run out of stock, but you have to bid in order. (I'll sell the first of an item, then the second one, and so on.)

-Aqua Force (800 tc)
-Aqua Relax (350 tc)

-Gold Relax (850 tc)

-Marine Force (250 tc)
-Marine Blood (500 tc)
-Marine Relax (250 tc)

-Radioactive Force (1000 tc)
-Radioactive Relax (500 tc)

If you are bidding, it must be 50 tc more than the last bid.
Good luck!