the only sound i like in the game
is where you walk in a quiet room and hear the foot steps

i just love listening to that


and it also helps you to know if theres enemy aprouching in fps games like CS
I'd say God of War 3, Gears of War series, Alien vs Predator 2010.

Those games have epic quality of sounds, but Alien vs Predator failed at the gameplay.
Kratos and Marcus' voices are good. So these games make my ears happy
adotEngine : TOMATOES!
Jonggi : POTATOES! Copycat!
How can I forget the end of mario where you are sliding down the pole and that badass music plays and mario walks into that fucking castle like a boss
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
How can I forget the end of mario where you are sliding down the pole and that badass music plays and mario walks into that fucking castle like a boss

i lol'd
The song in super mario bros that plays when you collect a golden star and become invincible same with when you hit jump and hit those bricks, and collect a coin. Hahaha that scout song is the greatest thing since sliced bread XD
Ecophilosophical communism... whatever the hell that is... or Psychosolcialism...
The very first tomb raider for the ps1 music, ive got it on my pc and listen to it every now and then.

Also fable 2 charging your magic spells up.
Last edited by ugonadie6; Apr 20, 2010 at 01:29 PM.

The sound you make when you stab the water boss from twilight princess.
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
Originally Posted by m0o View Post

Fucking amazing for 198fucking7

Wonder if there's a guitar cover for that. Brb.

Also, Guilty Gear. Love the BGMs.