Original Post
[A] Burning Bright Set
Ok so i'm selling the set i just were using...Decided to call it burning bright...

Starting Bid: 8k
Min. Raise: 1k
End Date: 24 Hours After Latest Bid
Autobuy: 20k
Artist: Me, IXION.
Recolor: No.
Leader: Hours - 8k


Head, probably the texture with the most value...It doesn't have the matching colors, but it looks good with it.

Note: Force doesn't follow.
Last edited by Fenris; Oct 30, 2011 at 07:22 AM.
Do I get the force with it?
W/Force - 12k
w/o Force - 8k
Without. the force is worth 22k <.<

So, bid accepted, added as leader with 8k.
OMG. Is there any chance I can buy the head for just flat out 4k? I know it isn't much but, please?
Kameron: By the rules of the market you owe me 20% of that bid, which is 1,600tc.
C) If you withdraw a winning bid you must pay the auctioneer 20% of that bid.

Kitty: I'm sorry, but that head is worth a little bit more than 4k. ;/
Originally Posted by IXION View Post
Kameron: By the rules of the market you owe me 20% of that bid, which is 1,600tc.
C) If you withdraw a winning bid you must pay the auctioneer 20% of that bid

I actually have to pay you 2k: my bid was 10k
But, I don't have very much tc; I only have 75tc
So, if we could come to some agreement via pm or on irc, instead of on this thread, that'd be great?
Shit dude... deal, Pm'ed.
Last edited by Fenris; Oct 30, 2011 at 07:34 AM.