Original Post
Better Hands + Feet?
This could be added into the game
The term better hands and feet I mean by adding joints onto the Hands and Feet
Hampa PLZ consider adding this into the game
*and add the things that make up the Tori's body
Maybe in the toribash update 4.3?
And that overload joint thing like on the wii
The thing whee your joint goes really fast and kills fast
That's all

Lazors Moderated Message:
Thread has been merged with other similar threads. Anything in the lines of finger/toe joints goes here.
Last edited by Lazors; Jul 4, 2014 at 03:54 PM.
Toribash is simple, it's minimalistic and of course original.

Let's keep it that way.
This would be just weird because:
Why do we have to have realistic hands when we don't have a realistic body?
Toribash hand type (idea)
eh, guys... can in this game "toribash" the hand is not a box or a square but it's like a real hand ... have a 5 fingers.
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That would kind of look weird in toribash's style, and besides, this is much simpler while still effective.
item forgers could make some hands but it would probably cost about 10 st each (st are shai tokens they cant be transfered or bought you win them in gm tourneys) very hard to get
Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf
ouw, okay guys.. i'm sorry if you not agree with me but that's just an idea
#Indonesian #Cool #Professional #Famous #NeverGiveUp
#LoveFriendShip #Helpful #Faithful #Active #Powerful.
It's a nice idea,
however toribash has a style that it wouldn't make sense to have hands with fingers.

If you want fingers you should ask an artist to map a hand texture. They can make it pretty damn real.
oh i fought that u mean fingers that can move like and u just wanna other form of fist. yes 3d artists can do it
now when i think about this again showing ingame can be exremle fun