Original Post
Plz, take a look at this, i need orientation
He is a sucker, i bought a vamp relax from him and he send a marine relax, amrine text and marine emote, then i said that what we have bnegotiated was the vamp relax, and he said he'll send me right on. Then he quited the game, so i've send a message and he told me that he have snded the vamp realax for a friend of mine. All bullshit, he didn't sended anything to anyone.
He is a dishonest guys.
If someone know a way to ban him plz let me know.
This should go in Support

Edit: sorry... Listen to Drakhir or
Go here...
Last edited by Vx7; Sep 11, 2008 at 07:30 PM.
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
No, it shouldn't go in Support.

PM someone that has power to act. And read the damned "orientations", in Support.