He's one of MBK's rl friends. So yeah.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Thats not nice.
Spencer: Lost all respect, even with me in it? ;)
PID666: You have a meter?! Wtf?

Banana_Cannon: Welcome to the clan, buddy. Dis-regard the haters.

Yes, that's Banana_Cannon for you.

He has bad grammar but an amazing vocabulary, isn't a nub though he'll act like one whenever he can, and likes to add suffixes to anything and everything that doesn't need it.

It'll take a bit, but you'll see what he did there.
I survived him in Judo, I'll think him welcome to this clan. He's an... interesting personality. Not as much as me though.

<(ˆ≈˙∂ˆ≈)> I make up new smilies evaray day. I call this one sweaty thirsty emarrased OMG my eyes are twitching as I type.
<3 MBK :D
Another person with a food-related name for CBK. Score!
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
Lawlz. Back right after I registered and decided I wanted to someday join CBK, I considered changing my name to 'cereal'. It was close enough to 'cayal'- 3 vowels, a c at beginning, l at end, good 'nuff fo' meh.
<3 MBK :D