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Tips on how to make a good replay.
So recently, I've made some half decent relpays. HOWEVER, I'm constantly seeing booms, madmans, and breakdancing videos that I couldn't even imagine doing. Now, I have landings and poses down better than the average bear, but does anyone have any universal suggestions to help me be better at making replays? (i.e. the optimum time to extend your knee during a kick, etc.)
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
There is no real definitive way to get better at replay making.

All I can say is to experiment until you find out the best moves. And in time, you'll gradually get better and better.
@Wolf - I was hoping I wouldn't get an answer like that, but I can't say I didn't see it coming xD
@Super - I know that much :P
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
i don't really know if i would consider mine good enough to take advice from, but I just picture the movements before I start editing. I've also learned traction is key.
One thing I do is to try and replicate people's replays while attempting my own move.
Example: I go to kick uke's crotch and do nuthug's shoryuken for a decap.
If you feel like you need someone to help you out in this, try joining [BLEU] and find a teacher who can help you.