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[S] Upload sets by .rar/.zip
I have an idea That i think would save alot of time. If you name all your textures accordingly to the name they are uploaded too and pack them in a zip. Have toribash read the zip and apply them accordingly to where they go, So you dont have to go back and forth uploading one at a time. I think this would be great.
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Originally Posted by doodledoo View Post
I have an idea That i think would save alot of time. If you name all your textures accordingly to the name they are uploaded too and pack them in a zip. Have toribash read the zip and apply them accordingly to where they go, So you dont have to go back and forth uploading one at a time. I think this would be great.

well that's how i normally send my sets to clients, so if this is a possibility, then I support this 100%. also, im pretty sure most artists do this with their sets too.

though it might be a problem with the texture items the uploader has, for example, having full 128 with a 512 head.
proud leader of [Ascend]
Head Textures
Originally Posted by doodledoo View Post
I have an idea That i think would save alot of time. If you name all your textures accordingly to the name they are uploaded too and pack them in a zip. Have toribash read the zip and apply them accordingly to where they go, So you dont have to go back and forth uploading one at a time. I think this would be great.

Originally Posted by nevramon View Post
well that's how i normally send my sets to clients, so if this is a possibility, then I support this 100%. also, im pretty sure most artists do this with their sets too.

though it might be a problem with the texture items the uploader has, for example, having full 128 with a 512 head.

Idea fully supported. This shouldn't be hard to implement, and would save huge amounts of time. Think about it, if someone has a 19 item full texture set, 4 trail textures, dq and ground textures, and perhaps a 20 item full joint texture set, that's a lot of single items to upload! I don't think the item size is a problem as TB auto resizes images to fit.

Supported 100%
rock the world, one fight at a time
You would have to name the correseponding items by what they are.Like head if it is the head it would be head.png/jpg/gif/tga/bmp
Only issue with this would be user error with the file naming. Not bad.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Didn't it used to be like that, to where you could upload the files?... Also yeah, i would have 39 single items to upload, joint textures + regular textures... Too long ;) Anyway, they should bring it back, because it used to be where you could upload the whole set and if any errors it was on the user side for wrong names.
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[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
this seems like a great idea, and the names for the items could be just like the texture template names: e.g. l_leg, r_leg, etc. but yes, also the 128, 256, 512 texture problem, so maybe 128x_l_leg, 256x_r_leg?