Original Post
Head wip


Program: Krita

new wip


Last edited by Akashi; Mar 28, 2017 at 08:48 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Over all too soft/blurry
Some darker shades in the ears would help
With depth

Use a hard brush at at least 95% opacity tosharpen edges

Solid work reminds me of jebus style
Me along with jebus have designated hard brushs and wet brushs we use
Hard brush to lay out shades and edges
Wet style brush for blending and curtain details
That is my method when creating realism art

You have great shading work but needs refinement
I still take texture requests for usd
The skin around the eyes and lips look to Idk saturated... the contrast in the skin from shadow to light is very drastic. If that was your intention then leave it, but it looks like your going for a cartoon realism mix, so i say change it just a little imo at least. I've never used Krita before so Idk how to change it but photoshop has a feature were you can adjust the color and contrast and things like that.
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |
tbh it kinda looks like your trying to copy Jebus.

Especially with the black/white WIPS and then the color 2nd wip + the color choices.

You should make the eyes look dif as well because the two eyes almost look exactly the same almost like you just selected one of them and c/ped it to the other side which looks ugly : (

good luck!