Theres no way to set up you're own commands, but you can do it so you go "/echo wushu" and it'll load wushu or something

check out my ignore script to see how it works
You're only saving 8 keystrokes ("set mod ") by doing that.

I've got a question for the world.

Does anyone know how to get the speed of a body part?

Is there a built-in command for that, or do I have to go through the trouble of tracking the position and calculating the speed with my mad math skillz?
Its not exactly mad maths skills, just use 3d Pythagoras to get the length in-between what it is now and what it was.
There are also the get_body_linear_vel and get_body_angular_vel functions in the SDK.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Thanks. Kinda.

I just now figured out that the data/script/sdk folder has information on the functions and stuff.
Originally Posted by Dafe View Post
There are also the get_body_linear_vel and get_body_angular_vel functions in the SDK.

oh yeah, *facepalms self*

SDK doesnt have all the functions, but it helps.
Can't, for anti spam reasons.