K, I have a problem with you having that problem. From what I can see, this is most viewed, and most posted in thread in this board. It will stay stickied until it is not needed any more. Lord_Inquisitor is not lying about what he's done with the comic recently. I have seen it... or something like it with amazing detail (Yes, in person).
In lots of peoples eyes, this thread is epic or a legend. Let's leave it that way, okay?

Keep it on topic, too.
Gynx is a nubby nubly nub nub who nubs around nubbing
I'm sorry but this has turned into nothing but a random off-topic discussion. And no content has been posted in weeks. Until there is more CONTENT this will stay unstickied. Thank you.

PS: I'm not saying I don't believe Lord hasn't made anything but it hasn't been POSTED.

19:08 <@SlainVeteran> FINNISH
Originally Posted by boaf View Post
I'm sorry but this has turned into nothing but a random off-topic discussion. And no content has been posted in months. Until there is more CONTENT this will stay unstickied. Thank you.

PS: I'm not saying I don't believe Lord hasn't made anything but it hasn't been POSTED.


<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.