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Lower price of 512 joints
I can see why you have the price for 128 textures higher, so that newbies dont hoard them, but 1,420,000 tc for a full set of 512 joints. That's just stupid. That, plus if you want full 512 body textures, it's 1,800,000 tc. That's about 720 dollars right there. Yes I know a bunch of you are going to say, "well just get one for your arm or something," or "just the pecs and chest". But that doesnt cut it, high definition textures that fill the space with textures next to plain relax or force colors just looks really, really weird.

I'm completely ok if there's another reason it's so expensive, if there is, let me know.
Also known as CombatBot
Thats about 100$...
Also, you cant force them to lower the price of an item just because you dont like the price. If you want to have a fully textured body, it shouldn't come at a low price.
Joints are more expensive by default because they allow for even more customization. 512 joints are even more expensive because 512. It's possible to get them cheaper on the market, and buying TC from individuals will always be cheaper than buying it from the shop. With current TC exchange rates of 7/7.5k, that 1.8 mil only costs 230-260 dollars.

In short, they're more expensive because they add another level of customization, and thus you must work for them.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Also, don't forget that they're pretty new items, so the price would obviously be high, along with what was said before.