Original Post
Sup guys, I'm Sthridex. Soul lost between the seas etc. Maybe someone remembers me. Are you guys still active? It's been 2 years since my tb quit so it's totally cool for me if you don't remember or won't trust who I am. Cheers
Were you in the clan? I dont remember you D:
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Yup, about 2 years ago. I was one of very first members. I think I remember you but not really sure about that. Seems like you guys aren't very active as for now...
Hey Stride!

Ofc I remember you. How you been? Mad TK bro StridexXx

Yea, we are slowly dying as a clan. If you are up for some tb, I can invite you to Jr. WE could sure use you since we are trying to organize a team vs EVO in the clan league. So are you up for some nostalgia?
wishful eyes deceive me
Hello Missuse. I just recovered my acc two days ago. Man invitation would be great, I'm not really sure if I will be able to play this whole clan league. Even if I do, I'm not good at this game anymore and you'd probably have no use of me, even in my beloved Tk Anyways, who's still active in clan? I heard of Squiziph, anyone else?
Welcome back, I'm pretty new to the clan.
Originally Posted by SthrideXX View Post
Hello Missuse. I just recovered my acc two days ago. Man invitation would be great, I'm not really sure if I will be able to play this whole clan league. Even if I do, I'm not good at this game anymore and you'd probably have no use of me, even in my beloved Tk Anyways, who's still active in clan? I heard of Squiziph, anyone else?

invite sent bro,
Gz on acc recovery.

Yea I told then we forfeit the match, no team....

Playing tb is like riding a bike, u just need a little practice, that's all .

Atm Squiz posts from time to time, me and a few of the newer members you have not meat. Bruci, Neon, nikos, Wooz, Sorr, Aj..... All inactive on forum, pretty sure they don't come in game all that much either.
wishful eyes deceive me
SthrideXx, how could I forget the great tk battles we had.
If you are playing again I will probably see you ingame one of these days.
Though first I'll be gone for a week or so.
You'll probably be up to par in no time in tk.

Hope everyone is good btw, and that life treats you all well <3

I play some tb on and off, pretty active comparing to the last year or so
I only saw drop a while back a few times, and Hippy.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Yo Squiz, yeah I hope we'll have some great taekkyon fights like old times soon enough. I'm currently pretty active on all tk servers so you can find me there

It's pretty sad that so much people I remember from JR gone inactive. Sentiment does stay for long time.