Original Post
Bungee Jump Mod :D
This is a mod where you (Tori) can bungee jump to the ground. Yay!!
I made Uke the rope so it will move :P
Just make sure you make Uke grab, his hand is the bit that is closest to your left foot.
Have fun!

Engage Height: 1500
Engage Distance: -20
Dismember Threshold: 5000
Fracture Threshold: 250
Fracture: 1
Dismemberment: 1

I already put those settings in the mod, but just in case it doesn't work and/or you want to change the dojo size or something, I put it there.

I may edit this mod further to enhance its look. So view this thread regularly.

No Tori's were hurt in the production of this mod. >.> Except that one time where the rope broke, but that's a different story.
Attached Files
BungeeJump.tbm (5.4 KB, 301 views)