Originally Posted by Serge View Post
Name (Real name): Aubrey
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Gmt: -4
Belt: 3rd Dan
Why do you want to join: surge is bae
Past Clans: im, free, spec, AS, prolly more idek
Why did you leave your past clan?: surge peer pressured me
What can you offer? : war help and lit /tts'
Infraction/ban history (please be honest): when I was 14 I posted a stupid post and got infracted and I think I got infracted for "slurs" (Sporky eats dicc)
If your Uncle Jack got stuck on an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off?: Uncle Jack better have a good reason for being stuck but yes.
Invited by some one?: surge said apply?
Special Skills?: Ask me to lick peanut butter off of something. I also play violin, guitar, bass, piano, drums, mandolin, and the skin flute.
Are you a funny guy? Prove it: ^
Playercard: No thanks
Sp/mp replays: Multiplayer is my fav'
Do you accept hipotibor as your lord and savior?: Hampa is my lorde but hipotibor can be my savior.

Hi [first name],

We appreciate your interest in [company name] and the time you’ve invested in applying for the [role title] opening.

We ended up moving forward with another candidate, but we’d like to thank you for talking to our team and giving us the opportunity to learn about your skills and accomplishments.

We will be advertising more positions in the coming months. We hope you’ll keep us in mind and we encourage you to apply again.

We wish you good luck with your job search and professional future endeavors.


[Sender Name]
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this