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[TW] TeamWushu - 武 Codex and general policy 術

Codex and general policy

Organization codex.

1. General policy.
1.1. Our style is improvisation. We don't use openers. ⁽¹⁾
1.2. We play fair way.
1.3. We come back no matter what the score/time left.
1.4. We never tripod and wait for frames to run out.
1.5. We accept and follow statements in codex.

2. Decisions making policy.

2.1. We try to run concil democratic, but with some degree of control.
2.2. We vote when we are making decisions. And consider every vote and every suggestion.
2.3. Thats happens that some rare decisions were made without consideration with all concil members. For the TW sake...
2.4 If something goes wrong talk to rcarey/Powas... We always open for ideas/suggestions.

3. Recruiting policy.
3.1. People which are getting recruited/invited must play on improv. ⁽²⁾


reference 1

reference 2

Last edited by rcarey; Feb 25, 2013 at 05:07 AM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15