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[Brainstorm]TeamWushu challenge #2
I know there is at least 1-2 month until we launch this, but better start early. TeamWushu challenge #1 was made because xXKanexX suggested the event. So yeah, if it's a good'll be done!!

I want another one of those wushu sp challenges that snake made a long time ago..personally!! :P

Brainstorm with me.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Good ideas Holo! Keep them coming!
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
What about a tourney with a ring ? ;p ;o ;p ;o ;3

But that isn't a challenge! We can do that anytime. I need something forum-based as well because I'm not active enough to be hosting tournies.

Do you know how to host a tourney deprav? I can always send you some prize for you to host the tourney.

If only we had members that were willing to host like a tourney each week. We could host loads of them. :P
Last edited by William; Nov 25, 2013 at 09:05 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Your messed up world enthrills me
Farthest lunge/jump/comeback in mushu.tbmbrushu.tbm; lower to the floor the better. Obviously power is everything.
- has to connect; points for rotation and style
- abcdefghijklmnop

Have a ring. Move around the edge of it. W/out dq'ing.

Other stuff
I remember maldiluna hosted a replay event to mimick butterfly kicks or something else of the like, but i don't think it was in wushu (or was it? :> ). Replicating certain moves in wushu?
But why's the rum gone? :v
Originally Posted by Deuteria View Post
Farthest lunge/jump/comeback in mushu.tbmbrushu.tbm; lower to the floor the better. Obviously power is everything.
- has to connect; points for rotation and style
- abcdefghijklmnop

Have a ring. Move around the edge of it. W/out dq'ing.

Other stuff

Is there a way to find the distance traveled though?
Originally Posted by k6vamees View Post
I remember maldiluna hosted a replay event to mimick butterfly kicks or something else of the like, but i don't think it was in wushu (or was it? :> ). Replicating certain moves in wushu?

This sounds pretty hard for 50tf :PP
Last edited by William; Nov 25, 2013 at 11:46 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Your messed up world enthrills me
How about a Wushu race ?? could be done in mp as well. also i did host a few mini tourneys with a ring ,Depbruh =3 but im runing low atm =P broke in game as well as irl XD