It's not 'screaming' it's a style Corey uses when he is singing. But I wouldn't expect someone who asks this question to be a true fan of the band, or have a good understanding of music, so I'll leave it at that.
I reckon, you should try to form a band with that much success, that includes one of the best drummers in the world, when you've done that come back and bitch about them.

Slipknot isn't to my taste in music, but I recognise their talent.
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
I reckon, you should try to form a band with that much success, that includes one of the best drummers in the world, when you've done that come back and bitch about them.

Slipknot isn't to my taste in music, but I recognise their talent.

1. Yes they are successful
2. He isn't even close to one of the best drummers in the world. Protip: all of the best drummers play jazz
3. I wouldn't call any member of slipknot talented (or particularly skilled for that matter).

With a large amount of experience behind my belt I would honestly say I am a better musician than each member of slipknot.

Success has nothing to do with talent.
Actually I think you'll find success has rather a lot to do with talent. I have no musical talents hence I am not successful in the music industry. Yes, other factors play a role for example being extremely arrogant in your own abilities (yes that was directed at you). But it all comes down to the fact that people won't listen to your music unless you have talent.
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
Actually I think you'll find success has nothing to do with talent. I have no musical talents and I am not successful in the music industry. Pointless comment that has nothing to do with the issue. But it all comes down to the fact that people won't listen to your music unless you are heavily marketed, play mainstream music and signed to a major label.


And don't even try to tell me that 'indie' bands "making it" is the norm. Thats another marketing gimmick from labels to get you to think "they made it becuase they are talented".
Last edited by m0o; Nov 11, 2009 at 05:08 PM.
And what exactly do you need to be heavily marketed and become signed to a major label? At least some musical talent.
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
And what exactly do you need to be heavily marketed and become signed to a major label? At least some musical talent.

Pop-sensability/Mainstream appeal.
A good look.

Musical talent comes last.
Playing mainstream music, is the best way to become successful, because it's the most popular. This is the best way to become successful in all entertainment industries. It doesn't make the artist untalented, it makes them smart.