Perhaps Fyre could be of assistance (or atleast me). I would be more than happy to help you with your new clan.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Amount of TC:720
Timezone:+1 New Jersey
Previous clans[if any]:None
Time your ingame:10/10
Posts on forums:5/10
Best mods:Aikido ,Kickboxing and Ushido
Why u want to join us: I Love Technology And I Would Like To Have A Clan.XD
Bans/Infractions:1 2 weeks farming(don't know what this is)
Additional info[is not obligatory]:None
: 720
Qi: : 3
Achievements: view | view all
Bounty List: view
Ok LostOracle you made the clan. whats your main account if this is your alt? does your main account work?
Username: oBLACKSTAR
Amount of TC:32
Previous clans[if any]:suave
Time your ingame: hours a dayy
Posts on forums:4
Best mods:Akido, Wushu, Running, Parkour, Taekwondo
Why u want to join us: My friend is in this clan and we made a deal to be in the same clan

Bans/Infractions:Kicked from my server
Additional info[is not obligatory]: I can win three 500 tc tourneys in 1 day

I am a in who makes es with his self.
Amount of TC:1612 but i earn it fast
Previous clans[if any]:dead angel tori killers
Time your ingame:1-2 hours on monday -friday 3-5 hours saturday-sunday
Posts on forums:on my other acount who i sold i had about 510 posts
Best mods:aikido judo wushu and running
Why u want to join us: cause its a new clan and i want to help recruit and help in clan wars
Bans/Infractions: none
Additional info[is not obligatory]:im working on making up wushu kicks punches and rips
TC(atm): 35 D:
Black belt
Pacific Standard Time
I'm not very active on the forums(15 posts)
I'm on when i feel like it (every day)
Best mods: Katana, twinsword, soccor3, fan2, 360people, abd(in order)
I would like to join you because you seem like a good clan.
Never been banned or suspended.
Other Shit That Could be Helpful: I was hacked 2 days ago... my skin, my tc, and my pride was taken away by goku638 (he got banned).

Please Reply!
Last edited by CG98798; Nov 17, 2011 at 04:20 AM.
Ok you two have been accepted as official members if the clan. We need tc so please donate to keep this clan alive