Oh Zazo. :P

Also, all these life stories are better than mine.

There are no girls I love at my school. I once loved a girl that goes there, but she has changed into a little "bitch". I'm surprised she even says my name when I'm not paying attention in math class, when she is trying to pass up the homework.

Honestly, I feel as if relationships are just another plan by the man, to keep a brother down.

I don't feel too "good" as some will say relationship wise, it's all just a waste. For what do you need a girlfriend or wife? What do they bring to the table that you don't already have, or can't get? What do they provide you?
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Originally Posted by MocroGunz View Post
Oh Zazo. :P

Also, all these life stories are better than mine.

There are no girls I love at my school. I once loved a girl that goes there, but she has changed into a little "bitch". I'm surprised she even says my name when I'm not paying attention in math class, when she is trying to pass up the homework.

Honestly, I feel as if relationships are just another plan by the man, to keep a brother down.

I don't feel too "good" as some will say relationship wise, it's all just a waste. For what do you need a girlfriend or wife? What do they bring to the table that you don't already have, or can't get? What do they provide you?

That's some deep shit :P When i was little i was depressed for around one year (People say atleast) and those thoughts still kinda follow me :P
I know what you're feeling and imo life has no preset goals like coming to "Heaven" and such. I've decided to just cheer the fuck up kinda and chase after a good/funny job and so on.

Master plan right?
PM me with any and all questions
Originally Posted by MocroGunz View Post
Oh Zazo. :P

Also, all these life stories are better than mine.

There are no girls I love at my school. I once loved a girl that goes there, but she has changed into a little "bitch". I'm surprised she even says my name when I'm not paying attention in math class, when she is trying to pass up the homework.

Honestly, I feel as if relationships are just another plan by the man, to keep a brother down.

I don't feel too "good" as some will say relationship wise, it's all just a waste. For what do you need a girlfriend or wife? What do they bring to the table that you don't already have, or can't get? What do they provide you?

How old are you?
. viiiiiiiid
He's 15 Btw, also the true story of my life.
I never get angry or sad because its all used up, I laugh at everything in skype calls and cause trouble etc because I literally have no self esteem. I just live life as time flies. A little fun fact.:3
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
He's 15 Btw, also the true story of my life.
I never get angry or sad because its all used up, I laugh at everything in skype calls and cause trouble etc because I literally have no self esteem. I just live life as time flies. A little fun fact.:3

Nice bro.
Story of my life:
Lived in 5 different countries. Finally I got the best friends ever, found what I loved to do, etc. It was pretty much just perfect, until I had to move again. Now, I spend every single day waiting to go back and visit.
But I'm not even in high school yet. In years I will look back on myself and be like, "Oh yeah, that happened."
. viiiiiiiid
I wish my life was half as interesting. I just sit here all day developing back pain and pissing people off.
that i'll backfire you using my piss off skill or whatever they said
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Suffering from severe back pain, missed almost a month of school already. Might have to repeat the final grade of high school. FML.