Original Post
[Drones] Recruiting

Is Recruiting

Application Form:
Recruiting is temporarily closed until our official board is back, sorry for any inconvenience

Belt: (Must be 3rd Dan Black Belt or over)
Active In-Game: Yes/No/Sometimes
Active On Forums: Yes/No/Sometimes
Favorite Mod(s):
Reason For Wanting To Join (If Any):
Recommended/Tested - By Whom (If Any):
Tested: Yes/No (If No Then State When You Want To Be Tested (GMT))

Any applications that do not follow the form will be ignored, if any section does not apply to you simply type N/A as your answer

Hope to see lots of applicants

Last edited by C4MP4; Dec 12, 2010 at 02:51 PM.
Drinking coffee and not contributing to society are just two of my many talents.
Belt: black
Nickname: Decapper01
Active: sometimes
Active on forums: when i am online in toribash
Reason: i need a clan
Tested: no not yet
Come to the dark side!!! we have cookies :)
Belt - 2nd Dan
nickname - Bellek
Active - Yes
Active on forum - no
Fav mods - judo, aikido
Recom. - I was 3rd on Droomdrone's tourney, can it be a recommend? ^^
Tested - not yet
Hey bellek, which GMT are you in? Doomdrone and I are in +2, we need to know so we can arrange a time that suits you and us
Drinking coffee and not contributing to society are just two of my many talents.
sorry brnicoloco, but you need to be black belt + to join, its my fault i forgot to add that into the rules. so i added them now, sorry
Drinking coffee and not contributing to society are just two of my many talents.
Application Form:

Belt: 5th Dan Blackbelt
Active In-Game: Yes
Active On Forums: Sometimes
Favorite Mod(s): Any mod besides long ranged mods i.e. Judo
Reason For Wanting To Join (If Any): Want to be part of clan and help if needed
Recommended - By Whom (If Any):
Tested: Yes
Holy potatoe can I be a part of this and help u with the judging ?
Last edited by hipotibor; Jul 20, 2010 at 06:38 AM.