Original Post
4th of July
Well its almost the 4th so...happy 4th of July to Prototype and all of our allies
so here are some displays

^dont forget to watch in HD
by the way dont act like this:

act like idiot you...
you should add it do idiots thread
ProtoType OLDA Aikido Trainers
aww i shold've thought of that =/ oh well i'll post more at a later point in time
I encourage anyone who owns Blockland to join me in 4thofjuly server to make some fireworks. Its a 20 usd program, but well worth it.
Wii FC:
5457 - 3838 - 7480
Sorry. To be very unpatriotic I'm not gonna fire any fireworks at all, well. Not until Tynwald day. The 5th of July. Yes... The Isle of Man has it's own National day to support it's Independence as a country in every right. Our parliament is the oldest still running and the 5th was a national holiday before the 4th in America. I love my island.
"We are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy
keep it evryone should have hes own place on the world!
ProtoType OLDA Aikido Trainers
Originally Posted by Manxie View Post
Sorry. To be very unpatriotic I'm not gonna fire any fireworks at all, well. Not until Tynwald day. The 5th of July. Yes... The Isle of Man has it's own National day to support it's Independence as a country in every right. Our parliament is the oldest still running and the 5th was a national holiday before the 4th in America. I love my island.

You should atleast respect and Celebrate the 4th, Even if its just getting together with some friends, drinking a little, and playing a fuckton of videogames. I celebrate every holiday that my friends do, Usually with them. All to show support and wish them good feelings.
Wii FC:
5457 - 3838 - 7480
i just bought $150 worth of fireworks so me and a friend(he bought some too) are going to my aunts house and gonna put on a hell of a show
god damn i love the fourth