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lets discuss your opinions on why or why not marijuaa/weed should be legal or not

Vox Moderated Message:
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Last edited by Vox; Jan 29, 2012 at 03:41 AM.
I feel that a person should have the freedom to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm someone else. So I have no problem with the legalisation of marijuana.
Marijuana being legal would actually improve the economy and bring a new job into the market. Then again we do have to look at the repercussions of this, as more people will be influenced to smoke marijuana. Even though there are no fatal or pain inducing threats to doing this drug, it is hallucinogenic and will 'cause some problems in the normality of everyday procedures.

In my opinion, marijuana isn't harmful or helpful, it's just one of those things you have to use with discretion.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Originally Posted by Mwah View Post
Marijuana being legal would actually improve the economy and bring a new job into the market. Then again we do have to look at the repercussions of this, as more people will be influenced to smoke marijuana. Even though there are no fatal or pain inducing threats to doing this drug, it is hallucinogenic and will 'cause some problems in the normality of everyday procedures.

In my opinion, marijuana isn't harmful or helpful, it's just one of those things you have to use with discretion.

marijuana has at least as much tar as cigarettes :s

it's just people smoke it in smaller amounts which makes us believe it's more healthy

Vox Moderated Message:
Last edited by Vox; Jan 29, 2012 at 03:41 AM.
No one has ever died on marijuana, and it's anyways milder drug than alcohol, so I don't see any reason for it to be illegal.
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I have smoked marijuana a few times and I must say I don't think it bothers anyone.

It is most definitely less dangerous to others than alcohol, as the marijuana user doesn't do much when intoxicated except for maybe getting up to get something to eat. While drink-driving is one of the biggest killers in Britain, aside from cigarettes.

As stated above by Juhizz, marijuana has never caused any direct deaths. The only reason it's not legal already is because it's a plant and the government can't tax it.

If the government could make money off marijuana, I guarantee it would have been legalized already.

E: And in response to Mwah, marijuana is not a hallucinogen, and should not cause hallucinations unless it has been laced with something.

Vox Moderated Message:
Check your facts before posting.
Last edited by Vox; Jan 29, 2012 at 03:40 AM.
Originally Posted by WickedHayo View Post
I have smoked marijuana a few times and I must say I don't think it bothers anyone.

It is most definitely less dangerous to others than alcohol, as the marijuana user doesn't do much when intoxicated except for maybe getting up to get something to eat. While drink-driving is one of the biggest killers in Britain, aside from cigarettes.

As stated above by Juhizz, marijuana has never caused any direct deaths. The only reason it's not legal already is because it's a plant and the government can't tax it.

If the government could make money off marijuana, I guarantee it would have been legalized already.

E: And in response to Mwah, marijuana is not a hallucinogen, and should not cause hallucinations unless it has been laced with something.

Make money off of marijuana... like a sales tax...

It is a hallucinogen, in fact. Hallucinogens are spread out into three broad categories, marijuana falls under one of them.


Replying to the discussion, I'd have to agree with everybody else for the most part. Legalizing marijuana would definitely change the economy, even if in a small way. The thing to think about, however, is how many people would react to. There's tons of people who have been taught that marijuana is terrible and worse than cigs, and it's not exactly smart to legalize it right away.
Originally Posted by DrJim View Post
Make money off of marijuana... like a sales tax..

Well they would try to tax it, but ~

Marijuana is too easy to grow and cultivate for the government to keep tabs on everyone. They're definitely not worried about people's health and things like that. If that were the case, alcohol would be illegal as well. There's no money in it for the government. They currently make more from fining people than they would from tax revenue.
But with it available in stores, why would people need to go out of their way to meet with a dealer who grew it himself?

Yeah tobacco is "too easy to grow and cultivate" too but you don't see that being moved around anywhere other than stores. And they tax it.

It's a whole new ball game when it becomes legal, tons of things would change.
Originally Posted by DrJim View Post
But with it available in stores, why would people need to go out of their way to meet with a dealer who grew it himself?

Yeah tobacco is "too easy to grow and cultivate" too but you don't see that being moved around anywhere other than stores. And they tax it.

It's a whole new ball game when it becomes legal, tons of things would change.

But wouldn't people still go to dealers to avoid the high tax rates?