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Animals Dying Everywhere Part 2
This article suggests that birds literally see the earth's magnetic field, which they use for navigation.

This article says "Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia."

Could changes in the Earth's electromagnetic field be significant enough to confuse animals into killing themselves? For example, it has been suggested that some of the birds found dead may have suffered a lack of oxygen - perhaps flying too high by accident? (

In other animal news, our waters are so contaminated with pharmaceuticals that male fish are developing ovaries, and similarly hermaphroditic frogs are becoming common.

I wonder what things will be like 10 years from now...
Last edited by Logic; Jan 28, 2011 at 09:29 PM.
I was going with the magnetic field from the start. Still doesn't explain injuries (please say the scientists took in consideration the fall).

Well, i suppose it's possible that some flying shemales might have gone too high or maybe their little brains got fried with the magnetic pole shift or something. But what about the fish, turtles, crabs, and everything else that died?
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Originally Posted by sid View Post
I was going with the magnetic field from the start. Still doesn't explain injuries (please say the scientists took in consideration the fall).

Well, i suppose it's possible that some flying shemales might have gone too high or maybe their little brains got fried with the magnetic pole shift or something. But what about the fish, turtles, crabs, and everything else that died?

All of those are aquatic, therefore influenced by water temperature. Maybe a sudden change killed off the weaker ones.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
I imagine that magnetic fields are connected to weather and temperature somehow, so it seems possible that the moving pole could also have affected the aquatic animals. Or perhaps aquatic animals also tap into the magnetic field for navigation and accidentally swam into waters that they couldn't survive in.

But, animals are very good at sensing weather changes and preparing - for example, I've read that many mammals can sense typhoons and seek higher ground well before people are aware, that octopi can sense nearby impending undersea volcanic activity and earthquakes, and that some spiders can detect imminent hurricanes and bundle up into a protective web. So, if this is the case, why would animals be caught unprepared? I guess this leads to the idea that the pole shift is not natural, or at least not built into the evolutionarily adapted capabilities of these animals that are currently dying.

Also, Lol'ed at "flying shemales."
Last edited by Logic; Jan 28, 2011 at 10:07 PM.
If male fish are growing ovaries, we've got a problem. Imagine a guy (for example, me) growing an organ from the opposite sex against mother nature's regulations because of pollution.

We've got our hands full with this. 10 years from now, pigs will be flying and chickens will have teeth while hell grows cold.
Originally Posted by Logic View Post
But, animals are very good at sensing weather changes and preparing - for example, I've read that many mammals can sense typhoons and seek higher ground well before people are aware, that octopi can sense nearby impending undersea volcanic activity and earthquakes, and that some spiders can detect imminent hurricanes and bundle up into a protective web. So, if this is the case, why would animals be caught unprepared? I guess this leads to the idea that the pole shift is not natural, or at least not built into the evolutionarily adapted capabilities of these animals that are currently dying.

This really doesn't seem good. Animals are doing this, it might mean that our Earth is losing its Magnetic field somehow. For example, if the outer core stops spinning all of a sudden (which it might), we lose our magnetic field. We lose our magnetic field, we lose protection against solar wind. We lose our protection against solar wind, smaller animals start dying, then larger mammals, then us. Eventually, the Earth's atmosphere will leave completely, and our Earth will become dry, a wasteland with no water. We'd suffer the same fate as Mars.

I'm not saying this is what's happening. I'm just considering that this might be the case.
Last edited by BlakMuffin; Jan 29, 2011 at 01:43 AM.
(Insert some form of an animation or a slightly wise and/or satyrical statement here)
Blak, maybe.
Doh its better than being fried by the sun.
In a couple of years
the sun will expand alot whcih will cause the sun to get closer to earth.
Planets that are the closest to the sun will get destoryed.
As the four of "H" atoms are burning within the core of the sun they become "C"
and when "C" burns it becomes something even worse.
And about the magnetic field.
The polar thingys are shifting or something.......didnt quite understand what happened.
And the birds use the magnetic field to navigate.

User infracted for this post~ Hyde
Last edited by Hyde; Jan 29, 2011 at 11:24 PM.
I am convinced this is due to Aucustic experiemnts,or Scalar weapons,most people say scalar weapons don't exist,think about the wild fires in Russia last year.As we know these animals have very fragile ears.Wich would either kill them either disorientate them,and when they get lost they die off eventually.Sound travels much faster in water than in air,thus explaining all the dead sea life.It might be due to some other reason like polution or climate changes,but due to recent events I think these two are most plausable.
"Sometimes the most unbeliavable suggestions,are most plausable."

Edit:Maylene,the event you described is going to happen aproximetly after 5 milion years,when the sun runs out of Hydrogen,thus egniting the carbonite,and mutliplying its size by a factor of 8.
(Also know as a "Red Giant")
Gingers have no souls!!!
Originally Posted by Maylene View Post
Blak, maybe.
Doh its better than being fried by the sun.
In a couple of years
the sun will expand alot whcih will cause the sun to get closer to earth.
Planets that are the closest to the sun will get destoryed.
As the four of "H" atoms are burning within the core of the sun they become "C"
and when "C" burns it becomes something even worse.
And about the magnetic field.
The polar thingys are shifting or something.......didnt quite understand what happened.
And the birds use the magnetic field to navigate.

User infracted for this post~ Hyde

EDIT: Post above mine describes the sun burning out way better than I did.

Anyway, government did it - either directly or indirectly it seems. Grabbing some pitchforks in case you guys forget yours.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]