Original Post
Klan Opposition Tutorial Thread
Here's where I'll post all of the tutorials I make.

Post #1 is just the index

This thread is closed so you can not post here, discuss anything related to this here:


-I: In-Game Tutorials (Post #2)
--IA: Taking a screen shot

-II: Texture Tutorials (Post #3)
--IIA: Previewing Textures Without the Texture Items

-III: Out-of-Game Tutorials (Post #4)
--IIIA: Sharing Screenshots/Other Art

Last edited by Buttchouda; Apr 6, 2009 at 07:35 AM.
I.In-Game Tutorials

IA: Taking a screen shot

Information: For those don't even know how to take a screenshot

1) Get the screen shot set-up.
--Choose the angle, pose, etc for your screen shot

2) Press F8 on your keyboard.
--You know, one of those buttons on the top of your keyboard

3) Your file has been saved!
--Check *Game Directory*/screenshots for the bitmap image
Last edited by Buttchouda; Apr 6, 2009 at 07:17 AM.
II: Texture Tutorials

IIA: Previewing Textures Without the Texture Items

Information: Can't afford those texture pieces, however you want to start in the texture business? No problem, using this tutorial, you'll be able to preview and take screen shots of a texture set WITHOUT those expensive texture pieces!

1) Create the textures. Templates can be found on this page on the right-most column.
--You obviously must first have textures to preview. So if you don't, create some!

2) Find your "custom" folder
--Find this folder in *Game Directory*/custom

3) Convert the image file into a Targa (.tga) file using Gimp or PhotoShop
--To do this, while editing this image in the program of your choice, go to File > Save As..., then change the file type to a Targe (.tga) file.

4) Use these charts that took me a long time to make to find out what file names you need for each piece.

The first chart has the normal body parts:

File Name | Body Part
head.tga | The head. The one on the neck, you pervert.
breast.tga | The torso area between your head and b00bs
r_axilla.tga | The torso area under the shoulders on the right side
l_axilla.tga | The torso area under the shoulders on the left side
chest.tga | The torso area surrounding your chest
stomach.tga | The torso area surrounding your Lumbar (the joint)
groin.tga | The torso area right under your Abs (the joint)
l_biceps.tga | The left bicep (the upper arm)
r_biceps.tga | The right bicep (the upper arm)
l_triceps.tga | The left tricep (the lower arm)
r_triceps.tga | The right tricep (the lower arm)
l_hand.tga | Your left hand
r_hand.tga | Your right hand
l_butt.tga | Well, I have no idea, it's not your joint
r_butt.tga | Well, I have no idea, it's not your joint
l_thigh.tga | Your left thigh (the upper leg)
r_thigh.tga | Your right thigh (the upper leg)
l_leg.tga | Your left leg (the shin, or the lower leg)
r_leg.tga | Your right leg (the shin, or the lower leg)
l_foot.tga | Your left foot
r_foot.tga | Your right foot

The second chart has the trails:

File Name | Body Part
trail_l_arm.tga | Your left arm's trail texture
trail_r_arm.tga | Your right arm's trail texture
trail_l_leg.tga | Your left leg's trail texture
trail_r_leg.tga | Your right leg's trail texture

The third chart has the joints:
Note: Joint textures use the same template as the head texture

File Name | Body Part
j_neck.tga | The neck joint
j_chest.tga | The chest joint
j_lumbar.tga | The lumbar joint
j_abs.tga | The abs joint
j_l_pecs.tga | The left pec joint
j_r_pecs.tga | The right pec joint
j_l_shoulder.tga | The left shoulder joint
j_r_shoulder.tga | The right shoulder joint
j_l_elbow.tga | The left elbow joint
j_r_elbow.tga | The right elbow joint
j_l_wrist.tga | The left wrist joint
j_r_wrist.tga | The right wrist joint
j_l_glute.tga | The left glute joint
j_r_glute.tga | The right glute joint
j_l_hip.tga | The left hip joint
j_r_hip.tga | The right hip joint
j_l_knee.tga | The left knee joint
j_r_knee.tga | The right knee joint
j_l_ankle.tga | The left ankle joint
j_r_ankle.tga |The right ankle joint

5) Depending on the texture piece, just name the Targa (.tga) file accordingly and place it in *Game Directory*/custom/*your name*.
--That step is self explanatory; no extra comment needed.

6) Start the game up
--And see if your texture has loaded. If not, here may be some problems:
---The file is not a Targa (.tga)
---The file is not in or a multiple of the 128x128 size that Toribash uses

7) Take a screen shot (optional, obviously)
--See IA: Taking a screen shot in post #1
III: Out-of-Game Tutorials

IIIA: Sharing Screen Shots/Other Art
Information: I have been asked how to send a screen shot too many times, so here is how to do it.

1) Take the screen shot
--See IA: Taking a screen shot in post #1 for information.

2) Locate the screen shot
--See IA: Taking a screen shot in post #1 for information.

3) Open the screen shot
--Open the bitmap using the image editing program of your choice

4) Save as a jpeg or png

--To do this, while editing this image in the program of your choice, go to File > Save As..., then change the file type to a JPEG (.jpg) or PNG (.png) file.

5) Upload that image that you have just saved to this site
--Go to that link, then click the "Browse" button to find the image(s) that you would like to upload, then click the "Upload" button.

6) Wait
--Wait for it to upload

7) Get the "Direct Link"
--It should be the top link it gives you. Copy that (highlight then Ctrl + C or right click then click copy).

8) Insert the image
--Go to the private message or post you would like to insert it in, then paste the "Direct Link" into it, BUT then put tags around it.
An example as such: (without the asterisk (*))

Would have this result:

Last edited by Buttchouda; Jun 11, 2009 at 06:31 PM.