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"Wii HD" rumours
Since there's nothing about this on here I figured I'd start things off.

Recently a lot of rumours from various sources have started to surface about the "Wii HD" - currently codenamed "Project Cafe".

So far it's claimed it'll be revealed at this years E3, it'll be HD, backwards compatible with with the current Wii (possibly meaning Gamecube compatibility which would be awesome) and will upscale old Wii games.

It's also believed the controllers will have touch screens on them which I'm not too thrilled about - that means the controller will either have pissy little screens on them, or they'll have to be huge to fit one on it. Supposedly there will also be cameras on the front of the controllers (wut?), which are claimed to act like the Wii's sensor bar.

Nintendo have already stated many times they have no plans of ever supporting current 3D screens, but if TVs with glasses free 3D become mainstream they'll support it. Good news IMO since wearing something resembling NHS glasses has never been a frilling prospect.

Oh, and spec wise (if they're close to being right) it'll piss all over the 360 & PS3. That strikes me as a somewhat strange move since Nintendo have never been about numbers.

With the Wii having a major price drop coming up & Nintendo generally sticking to the 5 year console cycle there's a good chance it could be happening.


Game Informer
01net [French]

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you