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How to log in
Yeah, apparently it's needed.

So let's say you want to log in. Well, I'll show you how!

See that up there? Yeah, it's really hard to understand, but that's what I'm here for!

First step is to find that bit with all the arrows pointing to it. It's where you type in your "Username" and "Password". Go ahead and type them in.

That nice button on the side means you don't have to retype it when you come back, heavens forbid you get some practice in before hitting the forums like a deranged mule.

So, hit the "log in" button. OMGZ IT DIDN'T WORK!?!?!!!@#!

There's a problem there, with either your username or password. I'll give you a hint, it's not your username, unless you made a silly mistake.

What do we do now? The forums are so cruel and unforgiving that... WHAT IS THIS!?!? A HELPFUL LINK?!?

This link now takes you to a magical place, looking a bit like this...

But what do we do from here? There seems to be no way out!

Unless... A TEXTBOX!!! Quickly, type in the email address you used to sign up here!

It actually sends you an email containing a ramdomized password! Now log in with that password you'll get in an email, and go change it back to what you thought it was!

Hooray, you've beaten the machine!