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Mod List Randomize Command
Mod List Commands:

So I currently see a downside with the /ModList Shuffle command, anyone at anytime can pull up /rules and see what the order of the mods are. I want to randomize it completely so the next players have no idea what mod there about to play. I feel like this could be used by lots of people and could really bring new overall mod skill to the community. I see lots of postives coming from this being added.
  1. Being able to practice multiple mods within shorter time span and not knowing the rotation.
  2. Hosting lobbies could make interesting gameplay between friends and competitors .
  3. Events could modlist with even playing fields between all competitors if mods are chosen wisely.
  4. Hotseats could become more challenging with the Tori being able to pick more than just 1 mod they're strong at. You could do this with regular modlist, but the randomization would add a great new spin on it, without the competitors being able to see the mod they'll be playing it'll be a whole new experience
And if you have any more great ways this could be implemented into Toribash leave it down below!

I really don't know how hard it would be to add such a feature to this game, if you know its impossible just leave it down below and I'll try to remove the thread, Thanks.
Last edited by Saturn; Apr 19, 2018 at 01:50 PM.
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