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+What is sparring
there are sparring events but i dont know wat sparring is can u help me?
Swexx | Beta | Internet | Erth| Orko | Suck | Water | Numbers |
a spar is when you and someone else, fight in a mod pike over_pass.tbm and just fight with no dm, frac,dq, or grabbing. I can't really explain it that well. It's almost like fighting till the end of the round is over.
I'm back :)
When you spar, you are trying to make the replay look as realistic as possible. Generally spars are over 1000 frames and they involve running.

The tutorial board will give you a more concise definition.
Also if you are about to try out for event, follow the rules of the event carefully, don't rush doing sparring. It may take some time to finish but the replay is worth it. I think fish told you the other stuff. Good luck with your sparring.
I'm back :)
May I post some examples?
Attached Files
RayA75.kylan97-punter is he.rpl (667.6 KB, 9 views)
RayA75.slycooper-Kinda spar.rpl (552.6 KB, 5 views)
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Originally Posted by Dex View Post
a spar is when you and someone else, fight in a mod pike over_pass.tbm and just fight with no dm, frac,dq, or grabbing. I can't really explain it that well. It's almost like fighting till the end of the round is over.

It does not have to be over_pass.tbm but instead any mod that may be suitable for sparring.

EDIT: Also, don't spar to objectively win by points. Instead, win by the overall look of your Tori in action. That's how I think of it.
[Death Plague] | RL | ORMO | PwN |Dragenon's Realistic spars thread
not rly training for tourneys but its good to learn joints and stuff in multiplayer
re-entering the torbash comunity
is generaly used for replays high number of frames, aims for realism and flair or to just have a decent game
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