Original Post
(x) Recruitment

Stand out from the Crowd

Interested in joining?

(x) is currently looking for mature, skilled players that are active on the
forums, as well as discord. There are a few written requirements, they are as follows:

- You must have discord -
- You must be willing to be active on the forums -
- You must be willing to follow current and future rules of (x) -
- You must have one strength -
(Provide proof. Replay maker? Replays. Artist? Examples. Really good at Wushu? Replays.)
- You may not multiclan -

If you made a new account to start anew, you may join, but if you've made an alt,
and your main is in another clan, we will deny you.

We will not judge your for not being the best in your chosen area of expertise, but we
expect you to show a certain level of competence. Don't claim you're good at Aikido
and show us replays of you barely being able to control your tori. Your talent on its own
is not enough to get you in. If you're a decent artist with a mediocre application,
your chances aren't very high. You need to try to get into (x).

If you want to apply, write your best freeform application.
Include things you feel that are necessary. We recommend you get to know
us by checking out our discord, which can be found in our main thread.

Once you have posted your application, it will be reviewed by our Council
and you will be notified of the result in anywhere from a few hours to a weeks time.
Best of luck to you.

Example of a great application

We are currently actively recruiting.
Last edited by Jaxon; Feb 3, 2018 at 05:17 AM.