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Yeah I have a little problem
So ever since 6th grade, I have struggled with weight, depression, anxiety and tons of other bullshit. I took a lot of medicine to help the problems but most of the medicine indused weight gain. The heaviest I have ever been was 245 pounds, I completely stopped my medicine and i got all kinds of fucked up. I started taking adderall, its prescribed to me, 25 milligram XR adderall for my ADD. I took them for a bit but then got tolerant to it so I take two of them daily cuz im addicted to amphetamines now. I lost quite a bit of weight in a very short amount of time cuz I stopped eating, drank tons of water and took adderall. Im currently 209 pounds and I was 245 pounds about 2-3 months ago. I am still losing weight, yet every time I look in the mirror i see my 245 pound self and get all fucked up in the head and resort to drugs. I took 4 milligrams of xanax yesterday and just took a 325 milligram hydrocodone cuz I am so fucked right now and I have a serious problem with drugs right now. I have no fucking idea what to do to get help. If there are any addicts that have been in a similar situation please tell me some advice cuz on the path im on right now I'll end up overdosing or some shit and I don't want my death cause to be an overdose.
you're on thin ice, pal
Have you tried just... not taking drugs? Honestly, I understand you're addicted, but if you really truly want to get better you're going to need to ween yourself off. I don't suggest quitting altogether, Ive heard withdrawal is a bitch, but just slowly take less and less until your body doesn't crave it anymore. A physical addiction is the hard part, you can fight a mental addiction.

And I suggest starting now. Amphetamines are harsh, and Xanax specifically will destroy you.
I think I might be retired.
One word:

No seriously, even if you can't afford for a GYM you can always go do cardio outside. Like, run, and run, and run. And then you would wanna sprint as fast as you can and then stop. This is to help explosive power that you need to attempt quick actions
"No one will remember your name"
Kozmo listn ... DON'T STAY ALONE !!

Letterly .. as long as you are alone you will keep taking these shitty drugs


Have fun with friends .. Don't have any ? Then go to family .. anyone that you love staying with .. just PLEASE don't stay alone

i know how hard it is to quit drugs but if you stay with someone you love or someone you have a lot of fun time with, its almost impossible to take drugs

About the weight .. i have the same problem .. if anything work with you please PM me ..

i am not super over weight but i still need to lose weight ..

i hope you get out of your problems Kozmo <3 ^.^
DM if interested in buying/selling TC & Art.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
Yes because running fast makes people not take drugs.

The thing is it does help though. Physical exercise and in particular running stimulates release of dopamine, seratonin and endorphins, which make you feel good and contribute to a natural "high".
This helps addicts by making their sobriety more bearable.

Another useful trick I learnt from AA is "fake it till you make it". ie, you can sort of pretend to be someone with a strong will, and act like they would. It's hard to explain, but it works for me
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
I battled getting tolerant to those medicines by taking pauses and only taking them when it was really necessary (e.g. studying for tests) but I suppose this advice has come way too late for you right now.
Take less doses of prescribed medicine, get exercise, and socialize.

Try to occupy yourself with fun hobbies.

I suffer with depression myself, I've been overweight too, hell I've even experience hard drugs as well trust me I've been there, feel free to send me a Pm if you wanna talk about it.

Talk to a doctor about prescribed drugs.

As for the ones not prescribed I recommend you seeking help/rehab.
Last edited by Kumbhakarna; Oct 27, 2016 at 09:24 PM.
Mhm, as the guy above said, speak to your doctor. Speak to your parents about it as well. They are your support network - They will help you succeed. It also might be worth asking your parents if you can see a shrink/counsellor to help with your crippling self-esteem issue.
What is with people and looking towards toribash for help.

Honestly, go see a doctor or a trained professional. Not a bunch of randoms on the internet.

The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem, not only to your self but to the people who really care about you. Meaning instead of feeling lost and thinking the only place you can talk about your problem is here on toribash. Take your self to a doctor and full admit your problem. You will feel better.