Original Post
[¡ʇıɥs] Toribash Cookie Stealing
Yeah right.


I just got "cracked" by my friend in this way.

I didn't know how he did it but then he told me that its cookie stealing.

I let him use the computer , he then did some ¡ʇıɥs and then suddenly he logged in my account!

So , Be sure to delete your cookies and then close the browser.

Vox Moderated Message:
Cookies are stored if you click 'remember me' when logging in to the forum, they are a file containing certain account information such as your password, a similar file is stored when you log into the game and use the remember me function, these files should be protected. You can use key chain software instead of 'remember me' if you are concerned about this.
Please do not take advice on technology from this poster, he seems to not understand what these files are.
Last edited by Vox; Sep 24, 2011 at 02:31 PM.
My best guess would be that it has something to do with the auto-login checkbox you can tick upon logging in to the forum, since that creates a cookie with your password.

Shouldn't be much of a problem anyway, unless you use a communal computer or get backdoored or something.
Your friend is an ass and probably can't be trusted with other things, Unless he was showing you ssomething.

Can you get hacked if you're always logged in?