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Thoughts on homeschooling
Hello. My name is jakob, and I homeschool. I'm taking a pert test next year and i will be able to start dual-enrolling in college at the age of 15. I'd like to know your opinion on the topic, but please no troll posts or hate. We're all civilized humans here, so lets please not murder each other in this thread.
I used to be homeschooled, but unfortunately for me it had more cons than pros, duel enrollment is definitely a better option when it comes to doing school at home, you don't need to be isolated as much.

So I really recommend you do dual enrollment for the rest of your school life.
maybe later
Originally Posted by Oxblix View Post
I used to be homeschooled, but unfortunately for me it had more cons than pros, duel enrollment is definitely a better option when it comes to doing school at home, you don't need to be isolated as much.

So I really recommend you do dual enrollment for the rest of your school life.

yeah there are a lot of cons, when it comes to focusing, sometimes :P

going to start florida virtual school soon, for math and english. it's basically an online classroom with a certified teacher teaching you everything.
For my curiosity, what is the reason you're being homeschooled, and are you getting to socialise with other kids regularly outside of it (in real life too)?

We go to school to learn shit, yes, but we also go there to develop our interpersonal skills. Homeschooled kids aren't surrounding by hundreds of kids around their own age, so when they do end interacting with the other kids in their university/college/job, they'll be a few steps, socially, behind - So that's something they're going to have to end up working on (or else they'll spend their life as an antisocial loner).

If you think you might end up falling into that category, I'd suggest you start taking some actions to prevent this from happening. To meet people, start doing a sport (why not jiu jitsu) multiple times a week or join a youth club or something (I've never joined one, but I hear they fk like rabbits there). Internet relationships aren't good enough for effective socialisation, gotta find the real shit.
Last edited by Ele; Jan 26, 2017 at 02:21 AM.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
For my curiosity, what is the reason you're being homeschooled, and are you getting to socialise with other kids regularly outside of it (in real life too)?

We go to school to learn shit, yes, but we also go there to develop our interpersonal skills. Homeschooled kids aren't surrounding by hundreds of kids around their own age, so when they do end interacting with the other kids in their university/college/job, they'll be a few steps, socially, behind - So that's something they're going to have to end up working on (or else they'll spend their life as an antisocial loner).

If you think you might end up falling into that category, I'd suggest you start taking some actions to prevent this from happening. To meet people, start doing a sport (why not jiu jitsu) multiple times a week or join a youth club or something (I've never joined one, but I hear they fk like rabbits there). Internet relationships aren't good enough for effective socialisation, gotta find the real shit.

this I find super funny. Something you might not know is that that is a HUUUGE stereotype. I have a good amount of friends irl, and I definitely have no problem socializing. I started homeschooling at age 3 and loved it. I tried out 3rd grade but got bullied by my teacher, and then went back to homeschooling. I used to do Jiu-Jitsu + Karate + Kali but due to some financial issues we can't afford it right now. I do agree that people need to start weening off screens and go outside. One of my pass-times is longboarding, and I have a few friends who do that as well.

Honestly it depends on the person. I know plenty of public schooled people who are antisocial.
It's fortunate that you've got real-life friends that you hang out with often.

How did this teacher bully you? Also, why did you mother decide to homeschool you?
Well the teacher was a loon. Constantly asking me if my parents were out to get her, telling me i needed to 'fit in and be like the cool kid in class', trying to give me an ISS while making the class chant rude things, etc..

My mother decided to homeschool me because she started homeschooling when she was a kid, and absolutely loved it, but had to go back to a private school for reasons. She tought me basic reading by the age of 3, and from there i started phonics (vocab thing) and different math/history/science textbooks.

Sidenote: teachers name was literally Mrs. Aycock. And she was ay cock
Last edited by Hyzroden; Jan 26, 2017 at 04:37 AM.
Originally Posted by Hyzroden View Post
Well the teacher was a loon. Constantly asking me if my parents were out to get her, telling me i needed to 'fit in and be like the cool kid in class', trying to give me an ISS while making the class chant rude things, etc..

I don't what an ISS is, but it seems to me like perhaps you had problems fitting in. I think you'd probably agree that it wouldn't be unfair to say that the reason for this might be related to your homeschooling.

Would you agree that you find it easier to get along with adults (or people that are more mature than you), rather than other kids your age?
The only downside i have ever seen to homeschooling is how much one can become anti social. My little cousin is and has mainly been home schooled, in which his mom isnt even teaching him shit or getting him in some online plan.

Not everyone becomes anti social from this. But, from experiences of my cousin, and a good friend of mine both being home schooled. He never leaves the house or talks to people in person. He only talks to us online on PS4. Known him since middle school. It definitely has its cons. But for him, he's really smart, but has a really bad lookout on life.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I would consider myself somewhat anti-social and I went to public school my entire life.
Honeslty it depends on the person. Being anti-social isn't always a bad thing either.

Anyways, I think being homeschooled has it's advantages. One of the biggest advantages is probably the fact that you can work on school work at your own pace. This is definitely an advantage if you like to push yourself to get things done, and you could be done with school a lot faster than if you had gone to public school.
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