ES Recruitment Drive
Hello, what kind of platform do you mean? Please be a little bit more descriptive; what kind of mod are you trying to make?

There are multiple ways to move a platform. Simplest would be to build a static rail, and let the dynamic platform slide off it.

Another option is to try messing around with the thrust values, found in the Adv tab. You'll find a bunch of values. First off, you will have to set the frame interval. When it's 1, the platform is pushed every in-game frame. Say it's set to 50, and it will be pushed every 50 frames etc. The XYZ values below it determine which direction the object is pushed in. From the perspective of the Tori: a positive value for X moves the object to the left, while a negative value for X moves it to the right; a positive value for Y moves the object towards the Tori, while a negative value for Y moves the object away from him; and lastly, a positive value for Z will move the object up, while a negative value for Z would push the object toward the ground.

For circular movement, you could try building a rotating arm. You will have to make use of joint objects, found in the Joint Objects tab. Select the joint number (pick 1 if you don't have any other joints between objects etc) and check the boxes of the objects you want to join together. the joint will be blue with a line through it, this line is the axis. Position the joint between the objects you want to join together with the Position XYZ values. Then, select which direction the axis can move in with the Axis XYZ values. Those values can only be 1, 0 or -1. Any other number wouldn't have any effect. You will see the position of the axis change when you edit the Axis XYZ values. Ideally, you want it to be right-angled between the objects. I suggest setting upper and lower ranges to 5 and -5 respectively if you want the joint to keep spinning forever. Also set the Strength value really high, if it's too low your platform can be stopped easily. The velocity value sets the speed of the rotation. Adjust it to your personal liking.

Read this tutorial for a detailed and probably clearer explanation of the workings and mechanics of the modmaker utility: I am also willing to help you through the process step by step if you give us more information on what your mod would be like. Looking forward to your concept!
Last edited by Slau; Jun 8, 2017 at 10:27 PM.
Neat, good to hear. If you need any other help with modding (or something else), you can ask us anytime.

Have fun!