Original Post
+Getting replays up in the loading screen?
Hey Toribashers! I don't really post here much, but I had a quick question...if this is the wrong place you can just move it or kill it.

But anyway, I know it's not really a "loading screen" per-se, but I want to know if there's a way to be immortalized in Tori history by putting my epic (or epic fail) replays up on the Toribash intro...if that's an invite-only club, it's cool. ^_^ But I thought I'd just ask, see what I got in response.

Moved to Beginner Sanctuary, you'll get better help there. ~Marco
Get a color bro, and thanks. ~Stick
Last edited by Stickicide; Jun 17, 2010 at 12:20 AM.
Saving replays (Ctrl + F when you're done with one) makes them automatically go there.
The first replay on the list of replays will show first, and then the second one will be showed after the first etc. etc....
The order of the replays is determined by alphabet.
You have to put a replay before hampa's headkick replay, AKA the replay should be named 00name, where name is the name of the replay.
Or you can delete the others' replays from your Toribash folder and only have yours.

If you mean that your replays should be there for everyone to see...
I have no idea how they decide to take replays for the so called official replays...