Original Post
Kiai sound not working
So, awhile back i noticed my normal kiai suddenly didnt played anymore for no reason. Now i recently wanted to update the kiai to a new one, but it wont change and the old one isnt ingame anymore either.

Uploading it gives me the succesful Message but then at the same time also an error message. Clicking on the little playbutton playes my Old Kiai (that isn't ingame ofc)
Is it because it isn't only 5 seconds or lower?,Or it could be the repairs still
Try to deactivate the kiai and then put a sound on it,Also it could just be that you need to refresh after dl lping,Be sure to use this,and this,That should fix it
Last edited by BigDog; Feb 27, 2016 at 03:40 PM.
Sound is under 5 seconds. used and a youtube to mp3 converter. only thing i didnt do was uploading while deactivated.. i will try that later