Original Post
A real noobish question
How do i make my text appear above my head while in-game?
1-985-655-2500, call me.
In the shop the items labeled " Emote Color " are the colors for that text.
As in if you type in
/em I am going to get you
"I am going to get you" will be color orc if you bought it.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Originally Posted by Cropandur View Post
How do i make my text appear above my head while in-game?

No question is nooby just ask it... everyone has a question once in awhile and it does not ruin your rep.... nobody cares on the type of questions you ask
Back from the dead.
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
I'd like to note that any unnecessary disrespectful behavior by older members of the community towards new players in this board will not be tolerated, and will be punished. Very harshly.

Don't be afraid to ask anything, here.

Also, /cp "Text here" will center print text if you're op'd (admin) of a room. It's pretty handy sometimes.