Original Post
[Request] Head Texture!
I need a new head, a realistic head, with the hair on one eye pm me for price and information, my color are gaia and pure, good luck!
rexton i want a realistic head not a zombie head XD and dengue, can you do that head with the hear from right to left? (i mean the hear on the eye) sorry if the request is hard ^^"
haha ok :P i can make a non zombie head now, i just had to have something to fill the space with.

Last edited by rexton; Mar 4, 2009 at 11:29 PM.
if a picture can hel you here it is :P btw, i want the head with the hear like (or similiar) the picture, but with no glasses (i'm not emo, i just like the hair xP and if you want, you can change colour, it don't must be black :P)

sorry dengue, i wanted write HAIR not hear XD
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