Original Post
Forgotten Vanguard

Clan Story
-There was a time when the Earth was young, when volcanoes lay dormant, and the sea calm. In this time they watched, listened and waited. Millions of years on, they still watch and listen, this time they lurk in the shadows. Thousands of years have made them Invincible, the Vanguard, the Darkness, the Forgotten. They watch over you, protectors, the first secret society of the world. The Forgotten Vanguard!

Clan Members

Clan Ranks
-(CL)Co Leader-


-None, yet =)

-All lies lead to the truth

-Our aim as a clan is to grow as a community and to learn from each other, both in game and out.

-We are recruiting anyone who is active, skilled and friendly. We will accept all belts but you must prove yourself first.

-This is the app format, please follow or you will not be accepted.

-Time Zone
-Age(I will not stock you)
-How long you have been playing
-Favorite Mod
-Rate your skill (1-10)
-Recent clans
-Most importantly, Why do you want to join?

Clan Bank
-10k TC(Donations will be sent to the clan bank, Talk with me if you want to donate.)
Lets get to 50k guys =)
(All donaters of over 5k will Recieve an Officer rank.)

Anything else just ask, I will be happy to answer the best I can!
Last edited by Zellpheo; Apr 18, 2010 at 09:02 PM.
SuicideDo - Dorrie stands for
Damn Outrageous Reefer Ripping Instrument Extreme
Not another clan....

Good luck, you'll desperately need it if you want to be accepted over the tons of others.
I just made it three hours ago, and considering most of my members are offline atm, they have not had time to come and post yet, but thanks for the people that gave me positive feedback. Plus most of my members are ingame people, not forum addicts, so give them a break?
SuicideDo - Dorrie stands for
Damn Outrageous Reefer Ripping Instrument Extreme