Original Post
Leavin' TB Final tourney!
Sorry, i do not have time to host this.
Last edited by Hyde; Nov 23, 2008 at 10:17 PM.
Aww to bad your leaving. I am leaving myself but im not doing anything this big! Ill try to be there.
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
Dilt, WHY?!?!?!

I will try to be there...

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Incognito - [o]
Originally Posted by Diltoriya View Post
Aww to bad your leaving. I am leaving myself but im not doing anything this big! Ill try to be there.

Well, I got a life now, and I'm sure you do too.
Ill try to be there.

Have a nice life
<apple> Fine, I love you in the gayest of ways.
So.. Wth is eastern time?
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black