close range helicopter kick
distance 80 or above (depending on how you want to use it)

lower shoulders
contract left elbow
extend right pec
right rotate chest
right bend lumbar
extend both glutes
contract right hip
extend right knee
extend left hip
contract left knee
contract left ankle

space x 5

extend right hip
contract left hip
left rotate chest
raise shoulders
extend elbows
contract right wrist
extend left wrist
hold lumbar
relax right pecs
extend left pecs
extend both ankles
extend both knees


now go on from there do not blame me if it doesnt work just say it doesnt work and il sort it. heres an example on what you can do with it

p.s. example at distance 100
p.s.s. if u make a good replay with this can u post them in my replay thread (link in signature)
Attached Files
# awesome helicopter kick.rpl (60.7 KB, 68 views)
Last edited by weed33; Mar 13, 2010 at 08:34 PM.
[Pure], wanna join?
A simple Split-in-half kick
Engage Distance: 150
Relax All

Extending Left Ankle
Contracting Right Ankle
Extending Left Knee
Contracting Right Knee
Extending Left Hip
Contracting Right Hip
Extending Left Glute
Extending Right Glute
Contracting Left Pecs
Extending Right Pecs
Extending Abs
Left Bending Lumbar
Right Rotating Chest

Shift+Space x4

Contracting Left Elbow
Contracting Abs

Shift+Space x6

Extending Right Knee
Extending Right Elbow
Extending Abs
Right Bending Lumbar
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
Head Kick Tutorial
Head Kick Tutorial

200 distance. Relax all.
Extend left wrist/Extend left elbow/Contract left pec/Right rotate chest/Lower left shoulder
Extend left glute/hip/knee/ankle, Raise left shouder.
Space x2
Extend left pec
Contract left hip/knee, relax left ankle, rotate chest left.
Contract left glute
Extend left knee, hold left glute, hold lumbar, contract abs
(optional) Contract left ankle
decap move XD distance 200 dm 100 gravity -9.82

relax all
contract right pec
left rotate chest
left rotate lumbar
raise right shoulder
contract right elbow
extend right rist
hold abs
hold neck
extend right hip
contract right knee
contract left hip
contract let knee
extend left glute
extend right glute
extend ankle

space x3+shift+space x4

contract right hip

extend right knee

here is what yah get
Attached Files
decap! XD.rpl (41.5 KB, 25 views)
me and my friend made these 2
1.head decap By:seargent13
relax all
raise both shoulders


lower shoulders and grab hands

but i still didnt figure out a way to make an easy way to avoid dq

2. X2 arm remover By:Hellshot

hold all
lower shoulders


raise shoulders
contract pecs
grab hands

my start kick ;)

extract both glutes
right/left bend lumber and chest
contract 1 pec if right bend lumber and chest then the left pec and oposite
Simple Split-Kick

kk uke will go in half when u do this

normal setting

relax all

Extend both glutes
extend left hip
contract right hip
extend left knee
contract right knee
right rotating chest
right benfing lumbar
contracting left pecs
extending right pecs
lowering right shoulder
grabby left hand


extending right knee
extending both ankles
extending left elbow
extending right elbow
extending right wrist
right rotating chest
right bending lumbar
extending both glutes
contractin left pecs
extendin right pecs
lowering right shoulder
extending left knee

this should be it uke splitted

HINT: Works on multiplayer too ion right mods but NOT judo

And heres how its supposed to look like
Attached Files
Simple Splitkick.rpl (46.7 KB, 12 views)
A simple handstand starter:
Extend Right hip
Contract left hip
Contract both knees
Raise both shoulder
Hold wrists
Extend elbows
Hold glutes
Extend abs
Contract ankles
Hold lumbar

Space x 9

Works best with 10,10,10,etc as the frames, default gravity, and works best with 250-300 distance. (And, while/if you're using it, and happen to make a Handstand Windmill type kick, PLEASE let me know how you did it. :P)