Name: Vivezo

Desired amount: 20000_Tc's ~ Reason being that my dog bill from the vets set me back a few hundred, and i didn't have enough money to buy any toricredits this wednesday.

When will you pay it back? :: 10 days, Next wednesday when i get paid.

Securites (A shop, boosters, valuable items): Noxious Force, Noxious right + Left Motion trials, Left + right Texture trials, uhmm, and my other stuff which would equal up to about 7k, oh and a texture sets if you guys take them.

Oh, sorry if i didn't explain it, like, my dog bills due this wednesday coming up, so i'm using my wage to pay it, and i won't have enough to buy my toricredits.

The following wednesday, in 9 days from now, will be when i buy toricredits, to pay off the loan, wether or not i get it i don't mind, i'd just really like to get my textures nao haha.

~ Vivezo
Name: Tay

Desired amount: 30k-40k

When will you pay it back? : when one of my 3 100k+ set requests are finished

Securites (A shop, boosters, valuable items): I'm dirt poor but i have a texture shop.

I'm hosting an event and more tc would always be helpful.
Last edited by Tay; Mar 27, 2012 at 05:00 PM.
Name: Donutfatal
Desired amount: 11k
When will you pay it back? When I win it back in bets ;v
Securites (A shop, boosters, valuable items): 512x512 Head Item

sent ~ Pitch
Last edited by Pitch; Apr 7, 2012 at 12:13 AM.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
I'd like to donate 5k here.. Oh, you say I don't need a permission for that? never mind then..
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]