Original Post
Currently open thread

I want this feature in Toribash Forum, especially in art/texture board. I thing there is a rule for not making 2 thread in Art/Texture board. So by this feature people can see their currently Open thread which is probably about 2 week old, and the thread will be going to be somewhere else(1, 2, 3, ... page) in Art/texture board, and people can access the thread without looking the entire Page of the Art/Texture board.

~ded~ sorry for my bad English.

What i mean is :

I need feature for Toribash Forums homepage , there , add at the bottom [Currently Open Thread] , um...what i mean is ADD Something that shows The Currently Opened Thread that are created by the Player !

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Search functionality is available​ for ToriPrime and VIP subscribers. We don't plan enabling it everyone due to server load.
I dont think so

I dont think Search Functionality is just available for ToriPrime / VIP because, using this in Google search :
Toribash "Player Username" "Thread Name"

everyone can search for thread that they want
Yeah but with that method you are using Google as search engine instead of Toribash server itself, which means that Toribash server is not processing your search in that situation.
Just but toriprime instead. We cannot implement things that are TP exclusive, it'd give no senses to buy them.
This smiley is cancer also if spammed as you do :/
I can't even say if this is now a joke or you're being serious.
If it is a joke, it's a bad one.