Original Post
Yo! TKRANE signing in!!!!!!
How's it going warriors?!? LOL Seriously though: I'm new to the community and a beginner on the game (and the Wii). In my household we have 7, S-E-V-E-N people between the ages of 6 yrs. to 34 yrs.; male and female that are just as new and just as EXCITED to play. Unfortunately we don't have any friends so we're limited to fighting anybody sometimes. Anyway I'm going to be posting all of our individual friend codes in the hope that some of you are open to sending a request. Hope to SMASH on you soon, peace!

Matic: 4255 5500 2146
TST: 5415 1919 0833
Krane: 4040 7803 1372
Glorious: 2065 0888 6273
Adarien: 0561 8791 8987
Lovely: 1979 2182 0132
Reg: 4212 6025 1611