Original Post
Can't join a clan
So recently i did a try out for a clan everything was fine and im able to join them but they send an invite but, my forum name is different than my player name because my player name was already taken on the forum. what can i do?? make a new account which would suck(blue belt now) or can it still be linked to my game??
i really hope you guys can help me...
forum accounts are directly linked to ingame accounts: an unavailable forum username would also be unavailable ingame

try logging into the forum with your ingame name.
but with what password i have no idea, and its not like i can press forgot password. i would be on someone elses forum account. but than its wierd because how am i able to play as that person tho??
Your in-game account and forum account are the same. Just log into your in-game account on the forums, same password.
I think I might be retired.