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Favorite player?
Name your favorite player in Toribash and why. I would have to say a guy named Larxse. Thought if you know him he can be a bit finicky and if you know him you know what I mean, but he's a great guy. I like him for one because I met him when I had to make this account because I lost my first account Lalnator. He's been friends with me ever since, though at first we were enemies for like a month, them we stopped being that way. :3


C. If the Original Post is a question, do not just reply with just an answer, but also explain your answer.

Whenever posting in this thread, make sure that whenever you provide a name of someone you like you also explain why you like that person. While this thread isn't implicitly formatted like a question, it asks for you to explain.

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Last edited by Creati0n; Jul 13, 2017 at 07:07 PM.